Systèmes Complexes : Une introduction par la pratique
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2.2 Automates cellulaires à une dimension
patches-own [ etat ] to setup clear-all ask patches [ set pcolor grey ] ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor] [ ifelse (random 2 = 0) [set etat 1] [set etat 0] ] colorier reset-ticks end to-report nouvel-etat-opinion [gauche centre droit] ifelse (droit = gauche) [report gauche] [report centre] end to-report nouvel-etat-routier [gauche centre droit] ifelse (gauche = 0) and (centre = 1) and (droit = 0) [report 0] [ ifelse (gauche = 1) and (centre = 0) and (droit = 0) [report 1] [ ifelse (gauche = 1) and (centre = 0) and (droit = 1) [report 1] [ ifelse (gauche = 1) and (centre = 1) and (droit = 0) [report 0] [ report centre]]]] end to go tick ; ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor - ticks and ; pxcor > min-pxcor and pxcor < max-pxcor ] ask patches with [pycor = max-pycor - ticks ][ let gauche [etat] of patch-at -1 1 let centre [etat] of patch-at 0 1 let droit [etat] of patch-at 1 1 set etat (nouvel-etat gauche centre droit) ] ; ask patch min-pxcor (max-pycor - ticks) [ set etat 1 ] ; ask patch max-pxcor (max-pycor - ticks) [ set etat 0 ] colorier if (ticks >= max-pycor - min-pycor) [stop] end to colorier ask patches with [ pycor = max-pycor - ticks ] [ ifelse (etat = 1) [set pcolor black] [set pcolor white] ] endhaut
2.3 Le jeu de la vie
patches-own [ etat nbVoisins ] to setup clear-all ask patches [ ifelse (random 100 < densite) [set etat 1] [set etat 0] ] colorier reset-ticks end to colorier ask patches [ ifelse (etat = 0) [set pcolor white] [set pcolor red] ] end to go ask patches [ set nbVoisins count neighbors with [etat = 1] ] ask patches [ ifelse etat = 0 [if nbVoisins = 3 [set etat 1 ]] [if nbVoisins < 2 or nbVoisins > 3 [set etat 0]] ] colorier tick endhaut
2.4 Jeux évolutionnaires spatiaux
patches-own [ strategie old-strategie score nb-voisins-1 ] to setup clear-all ask patches [ ifelse random-float 1 < p_init [set strategie 1] [set strategie 2] ] colorier reset-ticks end to colorier ask patches [ ifelse strategie = 1 [set pcolor white] [set pcolor black] ] end to go ask patches [ set nb-voisins-1 count neighbors4 with [strategie = 1]] ask patches [set old-strategie strategie] ask patches [set score new-score] ask patches [set strategie new-strategie] colorier tick end to-report new-score ifelse strategie = 1 [ report ((a-1-1 * nb-voisins-1) + (a-2-1 * (4 - nb-voisins-1))) ] [ report ((a-1-2 * nb-voisins-1) + (a-2-2 * (4 - nb-voisins-1))) ] end to-report new-strategie let voisins-etendu (patch-set self neighbors4) let voisins-max (voisins-etendu with-max [score]) ifelse any? voisins-max with [ old-strategie = [old-strategie] of myself ] [ report old-strategie ] [ report 3 - old-strategie ] endhaut